Are you trying to find the best online Spanish course to suit you Spanish language learning needs? The Online Spanish classes listed below are a good place to start. These courses are well worth taking the time to review. There are so many popular Spanish courses available online these days that choosing the right one can often be difficult.
Below you will find listed a few of the more popular modern online Spanish courses. The videos accompanying each course listed will give you a feel for the type of Spanish lessons each course has to offer. They will also give you some insight into what online Spanish courses in general are like.
Rosetta Stone Spanish

Rosetta Stone language learning programs are one of the first online courses you are likely to encounter when you do any Spanish language learning related Google search. The Rosetta Stone company is a very well established one and has been around for some time.
Their methods of teaching Spanish differ from many other courses in that they try to teach you using the principle of language ‘immersion’. The idea is that you learned your first language as a child by being fully immersed in it. Many language learning experts claim that this is one of the best ways to learn a new language.
The lessons in the Rosetta Stone course are entirely through the Spanish language – you won’t find any English translations. You are fully ‘immersed’ in Spanish from the word go and the course producers claim that you will learn more quickly as a result.
Rosetta Stone Quick Video Example
Rocket Spanish Premium

Rocket Spanish is currently one of the more popular language learning software programs available online. It’s popularity stems from the fact that it is designed to help you get speaking and be able to understand Spanish faster. This course is different in a number of ways to the more traditional methods of teaching Spanish, mostly because it focuses less on the tedious stuff like conjugating verbs and learning tenses or genders.
The main aim of the Rocket Spanish course is to get you to be able to listen to and understand a Spanish speaker and be capable of engaging in a Spanish conversation without any unnecessary stress. Of course the program does also cover the grammar, tenses, verbs and genders but the primary focus of the course is to get people speaking conversational Spanish as quickly as possible.
For more about Rocket Spanish check out my full review.
Rocket Spanish Video Walkthrough
Pimsleur Spanish

The Pimsleur Approach to learning Spanish is a process of learning that has, for over forty years now been used by millions of people the world over to learn the Spanish language. Pimsleur Spanish is a course that uses mainly interactive audio lessons to get you learning new words, putting together new phrases, and even more importantly, helps you to understand Spanish when it is spoken to you.
The company claims that the course has been scientifically sequenced in such a way that you will be able to learn rapidly and retain as much Spanish as possible, even after listening to an audio lesson only one time.
Pimsleur Spanish Sample Lesson
Fluenz Spanish

Fluenz Spanish is one language learning course that goes a long way towards simulating a one-on-one tutoring environment. Like tutoring can be, Fluenz is sometimes slow and for that reason alone is a very good option for complete beginners.
The course tutor for each lesson breaks down everything and fully explains it in English so there’s no problems with understanding what you are trying to learn. In addition to teaching you how to speak and understand spoken Spanish this course also covers reading, writing and spelling which is something that not all modern online Spanish courses do!
Fluenz Spanish Overview
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